
B2B Social Media

Social Media has brought the influencers and decision makers from your prospect organizations within the reach of even the smallest player in the market. Previously unimagined insights are available into their needs, wants and preferences. There is also the opportunity to position yourself in the best possible light on a platform also accessed by your prospects.

The key is presenting yourself in a manner designed to impress them on the channels that they frequent and engaging with them in a structured manner with the objective of establishing trust and building a relationship.

We help your sales and marketing efforts get the most out of social media.

Social Media Strategy

There is a plethora of channels out there vying for your attention and it seems like there are more joining them everyday. How do you make the call on whether Facebook is better for your business or LinkedIn ? Should you be on Pinterest? What about Quora? Based on our experience of working across most of these channels we help cut through the clutter and build a strategy leveraging the right channel for your business.

Social Media Management

The strategy is almost the easy part – in many ways flirting with social media is worse than not being on it. Your prospects may be willing to forgive not finding you on Twitter but they are unlikely to be impressed by a wildly erratic posting schedule once you do join. Once the strategy is in place we can help you execute to plan – systematically, frequently and in a manner consistent with your business goals – be it FaceBook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest or the latest channel your prospects fancy.

Visual Design for Social Media

Your social media can be more impactful with elegant branded images. These images are a combination of powerful text message and a visually appealing image that help in increasing the page virality and attractiveness.