Our founders, Radha and Sanjeev, are acknowledged as thought leaders in leveraging digital channels to generate business impact – specifically for B2B companies. Over the past 10 years, they have spoken at numerous events, published several articles and updates, and have interacted with B2B business leaders across the spectrum.
Distilled from all those discussions, here is a curation of the most relevant questions that B2B companies have about social media and content marketing – and their answers.
Content will help you say exactly what you want to about yourself. Who you are, what you represent, what problems you are solving for your target audience, what is the impact to them of not solving those problems, and how this way is better than the alternatives they are living with today. That is, everything you would have told them if you had the chance to meet them.
Unfortunately today, you will likely not get a chance to meet them that early in the cycle. Hence, your content must become visible to them when they are looking for answers to their questions online. Then, if you have an outbound engine running, there is a greater chance that your target prospects will engage with you when you reach out to them. The response to your email campaigns should be better. The cold calls could be warmer. The first meetings could be much smoother as the prospect is better informed and engaging with you after knowing quite a bit about you and how you can help. So, your Outbound efforts should directly benefit.
Later in the sales cycle you want to stay in the eye line of the prospects and to cement a relationship with them after an initial conversation. These people are likely in the “Nurture” or “No immediate need -stay in touch” bracket.
Here’s a couple of suggestions:
This non-intrusive way to stay in touch is more likely to keep you in their minds when the need arises. This is clearly a more effective way than buzzing them every month to check if they’re ready to do business.
Well, of course, you can! There’s a big caveat though. Remember, if you’re talking to everybody then you’re talking to nobody. To catch the eye and to get folks to engage with you -what you say will have to be extremely specific to each segment. Only content that talks about these pain points specifically will get them interested in you v/s someone in the competition. This suggests that the message intended for one target segment should not muddle the thinking of another segment. This means that you will have to run several, independent, parallel communication efforts.
This means more effort, money, and time. So, here’s the caveat -if you have the resources and the time, by all means, reach out to every single target segment out there. But if you, like everyone else, are constrained by time and resources, then prioritize. There’s no choice, really.
Connects are becoming harder because the decision-makers and influencers at the target customer organizations do not want to engage with “vendors” early in the sales cycle. People quote studies that show that anywhere from 55-80% of the buyer journey is now traversed outside of the direct influence of the selling organizations. Here content and social can play a powerful but indirect role. If your content answers the questions they are seeking answers to then they will consume it. If your social channels provide them valuable information, they will engage. The key is appearing in their eye line often enough with distinctive, informative, high-quality content. If this has happened consistently, when your inside sales or Cold Calling team reaches out to them there is a much greater chance that they will connect -even if it is to say that they don’t want to talk business right then.
Well, first the content (say blogs) you create must answer the Qs of your target audience and must be promoted where it is likely to appear in the eye line of the prospects while they are seeking those answers. Then, it’s on to some tactics.
There are 4 reasons:
Here are our no nos.
In the last year, we’ve reviewed 1000 or so B2B blogs that Midas Touch Consultants has written for technology and industrial clients so we can claim perspective. Those who have not benefited make 1 or more of the following mistakes:
Content marketing works, but are you set up to reap the benefits?
There are 3 suggestions for places to look at:
Yes, companies find it difficult to find good content writers who can write B2B-focused content such as blogs, white papers, eBooks, etc. Why could this be the case? To our mind, we think it is because –
Well, you will start seeing outcomes at every stage of your sales funnel
Unfortunately, there is no standard answer to this question. However, let us try to outline the factors which can help you decide the frequency –
There are over 50 types of content which you can create. If you are just starting with your content marketing efforts, start with blogs – these are textual and relatively easy to produce as compared to other popular content formats such as videos, presentations, infographics, or podcasts. So what should you keep in mind while deciding the ‘type’ of content?
There are several other factors as well, but answers to these questions is a good starting point.
The short answer would be – whoever can tell the story for the customer. With B2B Content, it is important to note that it is not about you, but it is about the customer. You need to make the customer the hero of your story. You need to provide answers to customer’s questions. No matter how great your product is, your content cannot just describe the product – it has to explain how it solves the customer’s problems. With this in mind, anyone who ‘understands’ this can write your content. Your B2BContentWriter should be able to do the following –
Does that make the choice easier (or difficult)? 🙂
Unfortunately, there is no standard answer to this question. However, let us try to outline the factors which can help you decide the frequency –
LinkedIn is one of the best social media networks for B2B companies. Here are some simple ways companies can leverage this powerful platform –
These are probably very basic and obvious things to do – it’s just a matter of doing these diligently 🙂