Free Webinar – 5 Types of Content to Fuel your B2B Sales Engine

Free Webinar – 5 Types of Content to Fuel your B2B Sales Engine

“Great content is the best sales tool in the world” – Marcus Sheridan This webinar is for you if you are convinced that B2B purchase decision makers rely on content for making informed buying decisions. But millions of articles on the Internet on content marketing make things confusing. What type of content is right for […]

Free Webinar: Traditional B2B Sales IS dying – What Can Save it?

Free Webinar: Traditional B2B Sales IS dying – What Can Save it?

Are you seeing – A dramatic drop in conversations with new prospects (because – 90% of business decision makers don’t respond to any cold outreach) Sharply lower responses to phone calls (because – only 1% cold calls result in even preliminary meetings) Expensive and unpredictable ROI from Google Ads (because 97% of Google AdWords campaigns […]