7 Essential B2B Social Media Marketing Practices That You Need To Know In 2024

Social media is a powerful tool for all businesses. B2B businesses that do not work on prioritizing their social media presence are doing so at their own loss.

It is estimated that by the year 2025, the majority of B2B sales interactions, around 80%, between suppliers and buyers will take place through digital channels. It is a well-known fact that out of all the channels, social media is one of the most significant and will continue to be.

In this blog, we will go deeper into the reasons why social media is a crucial marketing channel for your business. Following that we will present the top 7 B2B social media marketing practices that will help your business move ahead. 

So, let’s begin!

What Is B2B Social Media Marketing

In simple terms, B2B social media marketing involves promoting your products and services to other businesses via social media platforms. 

Different social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and X (previously known as Twitter) can be utilized to advertise products, services, and brand messaging to other businesses rather than individual consumers. 

This marketing approach assists in interacting with your preferred target audience, generating leads, and fostering brand awareness and professional connections.

B2B Marketing: How Does Social Media Help To Generate Leads

We all know that social media works for B2C marketing. But how does social media work for B2B marketing?

The following factors make social media an ideal platform for B2B marketing:

  • More brand visibility: You have the opportunity to display your offerings more prominently and cohesively across each social media platform to capture attention.
  • Targeted advertising: You can customize your approach according to the specific audience segment you wish to target on each social media platform, ensuring that your efforts are more precise and pertinent.
  • Networking: Using your social media as a tool you can forge connections with brands that could potentially become your customers, enabling you to gain insights into their operations and business requirements.

Merely maintaining a presence on social media is no longer sufficient. Today, customers anticipate and even insist upon encountering a level of transparency, responsiveness, and value from brands on social platforms.

Meeting this expectation might require redefining your B2B social strategy. Fortunately, it’s not as challenging as it may seem. You already possess all the necessary tools to accomplish it. 

7 Topmost B2B Social Media Marketing Practices

Your plan for social media marketing needs to check how you’re doing now on social media, who you’re trying to reach, and what goals you want to hit. Then, you can make a plan to reach those goals.

Here are some B2B social media marketing best practices:

1. Set Goals That Are Consistent With Business Objectives

Most businesses, even today, consider social media as a necessary evil. Due to this, there is an inherent disconnection between what businesses want to achieve with social media and what they end up achieving. 

If the main aim of your business is to generate leads, you should make sure that your social media objectives are centered around tasks that will assist you in accomplishing that goal.

Avoid making this common mistake…

A common mistake that most businesses usually make is neglecting to establish precise objectives for their social media endeavors. Without a defined goal, it becomes challenging to gauge the effectiveness of your social media activities and ascertain if they justify your time and resources.

Ensure that your social media goals are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This approach aids in crafting tailored objectives for your business that are easily trackable and measurable.

2. Keep An Eye On Your Competitors

As a business, it’s crucial to keep tabs on your competitors. This enables you to identify their successful strategies and areas where they may be faltering. Learning from their mistakes can help you avoid similar pitfalls. By staying informed about your competition, you can maintain a competitive edge and seize opportunities presented by emerging trends.

While it’s strategic to observe the social media activities of other companies in your industry, it’s important not to copy them outright.

But what should you look for when you are monitoring your competitors? 

  • The content that they are posting– are they mainly blog posts, infographics, or something else?
  • How often are they posting– are they posting regularly of twice or thrice a week?
  • The engagement that they are getting- do people like, share, and comment on their posts?
  • The tone of their posts are they professional or informal?

3. Focus On Delivering High-Quality Content

Every marketer desires engagement such as likes, comments, and shares on their social media posts. However, a significant challenge arises: much of it falls short. The right social media strategy for B2B companies involves crafting original, top-notch, and well-optimized content.

Here are a few tips:

  • Write like a human and not a corporation. Write like how you would speak to a friend, in simple language that is easy to understand.
  • Focus on quality over quantity. It’s okay to have just a few pieces of truly great content rather than lots of mediocre materials.
  • Be original and focus on standing out from the crowd

4. Take Advantage Of Multimedia

It’s evident that multimedia stands out as one of the top social media strategies for B2B. Small business owners, in particular, are constantly seeking fresh methods to connect with their target audience, and multimedia offers an exceptional avenue to achieve just that.

By integrating text, images, and video, businesses can generate highly captivating content that captures the interest of their intended audiences. Multimedia serves as a fantastic means to establish trust and credibility with potential customers. Companies that leverage multimedia are perceived as more contemporary and progressive, contributing significantly to building trust.

5. Feature Your Employees

Individuals form connections with other individuals, not with businesses. Including employees in your social media content humanizes your brand, making it more relatable. Showcasing your employees makes your brand more accessible and appealing, enhancing its approachability and likability.

6. Be Consistent

Being consistent on social media is key to success. However, what does being consistent on social media actually mean?

To us, it means:

  • Being genuine, open, and willing to share vulnerabilities.
  • Presenting yourself as you truly are, without adopting a persona or idealized image.
  • Being honest about both your achievements and your setbacks.
  • Maintaining consistency in both the frequency and quality of your content.

If you have committed to posting once in a day, then do it. 

7. Connect With Influential Figures In the Industry

Influencer marketing represents an effective social media tactic that can expand your audience reach and foster connections with industry authorities.

The initial stage involves recognizing influencers who resonate with your brand. These individuals boast substantial followings and create content relevant to your target audience. After identifying prospective influencers, initiate contact to gauge their interest in collaboration.

FAQs: 7 Essential B2B Social Media Marketing Practices That You Need To Know

Which social media platform is optimal for B2B marketing?

LinkedIn stands out as the premier social media platform for B2B marketing due to its exclusive focus on professionals and business networking.

What do B2B social media campaigns mean?

B2B social media marketing involves utilizing social networks to cultivate connections with potential and current business clients. This typically involves sharing industry-specific content, networking, and participating in discussions to demonstrate expertise.

What does a B2B Social Media Plan involve?

A B2B social media plan outlines a strategy for leveraging social media to attain business objectives. Initially, it involves setting clear goals, such as lead generation, brand awareness, or content promotion.


For B2B marketers, identifying and engaging with the target audience can pose a challenge. However, there’s a platform where you can readily encounter them, as they are actively involved. Your prospective buyers are active on social media – your task is simply to connect with them there.

You might also consider investing in social media management tools to gather and evaluate customer data across various channels. Transitioning to a platform that consolidates all your essential tools into one dashboard can greatly benefit your entire team. This is precisely what Midas Touch offers.

So, give it a try and see the difference it makes for your business.

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