Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media For Startups

Congratulations if you have launched a startup or planning to launch it soon! Now it’s time to spread your words on social media. But are you aware of the do’s and don’ts of social media for your startup? Fret not! We’ll guide you. 

Though, it can be intimidating to consider using social media for your business, remember your modern consumers are always expecting your firm to have a social media presence, so the absence of one typically raises red flags.

Do you feel that just having a social media account says it all?  Well, having a social media presence alone is not enough. 

However, if you want social media to impress your clients and generate a significant return on investment, you need to know how to utilize it properly and stay up to date on best practices. 

When social media is used and managed correctly, it may assist build your company’s brand, improve website traffic, expand your clientele, and even raise sales. Interested to know further about Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media For Startups and how to handle? Buckle up! 

Do’s of Using Social Media For Startups 

What can be more satisfying than building your business on social media? It just needs to work- that’s all. We are here to share with you the list of do’s of using social media for your startup, showing you how to promote business on social media. Just take a glance! 

# Do Chalk Out a Well-Structured Plan

The first and foremost thing that you must do to manage your startup’s social media pages is to make an outline of your entire plan. While planning, make sure that you have a clear set of goals and objectives. Apart from this, your plan should contain- the type of content you want to share, the particular social media platforms in which you want to share them, and your budget for the platforms. 

# Do Know Your Audience Well 

Ask yourself: who is my target audience? It’s crucial to know who are your potential customers. To create content that appeals to your target audience, you must have a thorough understanding of them. You should also conduct detailed market research to find out about your audience’s tastes, preferences, and interests- identify what exactly keeps them hooked to your business.  

# Do Select the Appropriate Platform

From dozens of social media platforms, you need to choose the ones that are more appropriate for your startup business. Let’s say your target audience is youngsters, then obviously you will opt for Instagram, YouTube, or Snapchat. What if your target group is other business owners or middle-aged people, then Linkedin, Twitter, and Facebook can be a more suitable option. 

# Do Create Engaging Content 

Brainstorm ideas again and again before creating your content and repeatedly ask yourself if the content engaging or if is it worth watching or reading. Understanding things from your audience’s perspective will give you all the answers. Find out whether your content is informative, entertaining, interesting, or solving the problems of your audience. Overall, does it add value to them? If all the answers are yes, go ahead!  

# Do Maintain Consistency 

You need to post your content frequently to captivate your audience. Posting content regularly will help you to remain in the minds of your followers, increasing your brand’s recall value and also keeping them engaged at the same time. Again, also ensure not to bombard your audience with too much content so that they get confused or irritated. 

# Do Engage Your Audience 

Social media platforms always encourage a two-way conversation. So, your startup should quickly reply to messages, comments, and mentions to demonstrate that you appreciate the input from your audience. Try and interact with your followers regularly, as the more you do so, the more likely they will stick around with you and your brand. 

# Do Use Visual Type Content

Startups should mostly use visuals such as infographics, images, and videos, in their posts rather than just merely posting texts. Visual-type content is more likely to catch people’s attention than plain text. Make your content less wordy and more visually vibrant to attract! 

# Do Use Paid Advertising 

Using paid advertising to spread the word about your message is crucial. Paid advertisements can assist you in expanding your audience reach and are really useful. Facebook Ads is an excellent alternative if you’re not sure where to start from. Their platform is user-friendly and offers a plethora of options for targeting choices.

# Monitor Your Results 

You should analyze the social media data and metrics of your startup using Google Analytics or any other software you like to see what is exactly working and what is not. Make use of this information to enhance your performance and approach. This helps you to gain insights, spot patterns, and trends, and finally make a suitable market-driven decision. 

# Do Stay Updated With Trends 

Remember, your social media graph is always going up and down. So, you must follow the most recent trends, stay updated with new changes and developments in the market scenario, and plan accordingly to stay ahead of the game. 

Dont’s of Using Social Media For Startups

 Many startups are unable to handle their social media accounts wisely, and as a result, their content does not convert. So, we are alerting you beforehand with a list of don’ts to avoid such common social media mistakes. Ready to learn? Dive in! 

# Don’t Ignore Customer’s Comments & Feedback 

Ignoring your customer’s feedback and comments or not taking their input can never land your startup in a good position. Startups should make sure they are regularly listening and responding to their customer feedback because this is what customers want from them. 

# Don’t Post Too Frequently and Randomly 

Don’t just share anything and everything you like because for your startup to thrive it is not at all important what you like, rather it’s crucial what your customer likes. Think multiple times before posting content and make your content calendar. This enables you to know whether every content you are sharing is unique or is simply boring and confusing to your followers. Also, do not post too often and overwhelm your followers with tons of content to view. 

# Don’t Over-Promote or Brag Too Much

Constantly promoting your products and services or bragging about the same things repeatedly on your social media handle can result in losing followers. Focus on creating innovative content each time you post and providing value to your audience rather than over-promoting things in the form of advertisements. 

# Don’t Buy Followers 

Buying followers is never a smart idea because it casts doubt on the legitimacy and reputation of your startup business. Moreover, it is highly doubtful that these fake followers will interact with a company’s content or buy its goods or services later on.

#  Don’t Expect Immediate Results 

Good things take time- they happen gradually, so never rush! Marketing or promoting your startup on social media takes a lot of time and effort. It’s better not to focus on your results first rather focus on developing fruitful social media strategies and developing a brand identity. If your content is up to the mark, it will surely drive results- all you have to do is keep moving forward. 

FAQs: Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media For Startups

What are the common mistakes to avoid on social media?

Avoid these common mistakes that startups make very frequently- constantly overpromoting their products or services, ignoring audience feedback or reviews, and not maintaining social media accounts efficiently.

How can you keep yourself up to date with the latest social media trends? 

To keep yourself up to date with the latest social media trends, you can read blogs and articles related to social media marketing or digital marketing. Following industry leaders or social media influencers, joining relevant groups, and learning from all of them can also be fruitful. 

What should I do to understand the success rate of my social media efforts? 

You can use metrics and suitable software to assess your startup’s engagement, reach, and conversions and to get an idea of the effectiveness of your social media plans, strategies, and overall campaigns.


Leveraging social media fruitfully is the best course of action for new entrepreneurs to engage with their target market and expand their company. You can stay out of common trouble and get the most out of your social media endeavors by adhering to these Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media. Always keep in mind that achieving success on social media requires patience, diligence, and a wise plan. Begin investing your time and effort on social media today and help your startup multiply!

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