8 Brilliant B2B Social Media Marketing Strategies

Promoting your business-to-business brand through the Internet has become a popular trend. With 83% of such companies using socials to advertise, it is a powerful tool. It can not only build strong relationships but also create brand awareness. However, creating engaging content in seemingly “dry” industries can be a challenge.

But, fret not! Today we will guide you through building a unique brand personality. Additionally, we will learn methods to create content that converts your viewers to customers. 

Before we jump into the strategies, we will discuss what promoting through media means in a business-to-business brand. 

Let’s begin!

What is B2B Social Media Marketing?

Advertising strategies are often used by brands to promote their products to other businesses. Platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, etc are usually used for such tasks and can be used to your advantage. 

Unlike business-to-consumer (B2C marketing), it targets other business owners and therefore a professional audience. It allows you to avoid dull marketing strategies and use more interactive methods to draw the audience in.

Companies often take to platforms like LinkedIn to connect easily and foster relationships with other businesses. According to LinkedIn’s report, 75% of B2B decision-makers take to social media as a source before making a purchase.

Your goal should be to influence other businesses’ purchasing decisions to ultimately establish a strong online presence. 

But how is social media specifically gonna help your B2B business ? Let’s learn more about this.

Importance of B2B Social Media Marketing:

According to a myth – promotion campaigns on media don’t work for business-to-business brands. Advertising using socials thus, often takes the backseat in campaign strategies, making it seem unimportant. However, it is essential and must be customised according to the needs.

  • Lead Generation: 

Social media marketing bridges the gap between you and your buyers. It directly links your products or services with your customers thereby generating high-quality leads. 

  • Brand Visibility: 

Establishing a presence on social platforms enhances brand visibility within the professional community, increasing recognition and trust. More importantly, it gives your audience a direct sample of your work. 

  • Industry Networking:

Social media allows you to engage with industry peers on an informal platform. It helps you foster relationships, and collaborations, and stay informed about market trends.

  • Showcasing Expertise: 

On social media platforms, you can share relevant content to position your business as an industry expert. This helps to build credibility and influence other businesses’ decision-makers.

  • Targeted Advertising: 

The algorithm of social media sites offers precise targeting options. This ensures that your marketing efforts reach specific B2B audiences interested in the products or services offered.

Ready to learn how to implement effective social media strategies for your brand to shine on social media? Check out the 8 points listed in the next section!

8 B2B Social Media Marketing Strategies for Beginners

B2B companies often believe there are better platforms for content marketing for their business than social media because social media demands entertainment. And well, producing engineering goods isn’t particularly entertaining. However, there is a specific way of doing so, check it out!

1. LinkedIn Strategy:

It is a leading social media site that is used by most B2B decision-makers to verify the credibility of your products or services.

  • Optimization: Ensure your company page on LinkedIn is complete with a compelling company description, industry keywords, and an engaging company logo and banner.
  • Content Sharing: Try to share a mix of content, including industry news, company updates, and thought leadership pieces. Use a consistent posting schedule.
  • Employee Engagement: Encourage your workers to like, comment, and share company updates to increase visibility.

Example: Share a weekly update on your LinkedIn company page. Try to showcase a behind-the-scenes look at your company culture, employee achievements, or project highlights. Engage with industry groups by commenting on relevant posts and sharing valuable insights.

2. Educational Content:

Subtly educate your audience about your niche. Inform them about what you do in your industry, and how you do it.

  • Webinars and Tutorials: Host live or pre-recorded webinars addressing industry challenges or showcasing your products/services. Create step-by-step tutorials for using your solutions.
  • YouTube Presence: Develop a YouTube channel to host and organize your video content. Optimize video titles and descriptions with relevant keywords.

Example: Create a series of instructional videos on YouTube that demonstrate how to use your B2B software or provide solutions to common industry challenges. Share these videos across other social media platforms to increase visibility.

3. Case Studies and Success Stories:

If there’s anything that booms in social media, it is storytelling. Master the craft of storytelling, and strategically include your goods and services in the same.

  • Visual Elements: Include content like infographics, charts, and images to make things more interesting and engaging.
  • Promotion Strategy: Share your work on LinkedIn and other platforms, emphasizing the problem-solving aspects and outcomes.

Example: Share snippets and visuals from the case study on Twitter and LinkedIn to generate interest. Publish a detailed study on your website about how your product or service helped a client achieve a significant business milestone. 

4. Thought Leadership:

Create content that makes your audience think, leave them with a question, or drop a truth bomb. This will cause a ripple effect ensuring your audience remembers your organisation.

  • Content Creation: Regularly publish articles on LinkedIn’s publishing platform, Medium, or your company blog. Address industry trends, and challenges, and share insights.
  • Engagement: Actively participate in discussions and comment on relevant posts. This will increase the visibility of your brand and improve audience engagement.

Example: The CEO of your company can write a thought-provoking article on LinkedIn. Ensure that it is about your industry, backed by data and insights. Transmit the article across other platforms to establish authority.

5. Social Media Advertising:

To ensure your brand is noticed among the crowd, you need to strategise your content.

  • Targeting: Utilize the advanced options on platforms to narrow down your audience. You can use industry, job title, and company size to make your search more specific.
  • Compelling Ad Copy: Craft compelling copies that focus on solving specific pain points for your target audience.

Example: You can use LinkedIn to run targeted ads about a new product. Make sure it showcases the specific aspects of your product to your audience. Use compelling visuals and a clear call to action to drive engagement.

6. Interactive Content:

Social media is already dealing with a barrier of the screens. To attract customers, creating content that they interact with is essential.

  • Engagement Strategies: You can encourage participation of your viewers through contests, quizzes, and interactive polls. 
  • Webinars and Live Sessions: Use platforms like Zoom or LinkedIn Live for live Q&A sessions to directly engage with your audience.

Example: Create a poll on Twitter to ask your audience about their biggest challenges in the industry. Use the responses to tailor your content strategy and address the identified pain points in future posts.

7. Employee Advocacy:

At the end of the day, a good B2B social media marketing strategy is the result of the hard work of your employees. Therefore ensure they feel heard, and are constantly striving to develop their skills.

  • Training Programs: Provide training programs to help employees understand the importance of social media advocacy. Additionally ensure they learn from it by conducting competitions, etc.
  • Recognition and Incentives: Recognize and reward employees who actively participate in sharing company content.

Example: You can launch an employee advocacy program to encourage team members to share a recent blog post. Recognize and reward the most active advocates.

8. Industry Events and Hashtags:

Although industry events require time, capital, and effort they give you brand visibility. Therefore, investing in such events once in a while can be fruitful for your B2B marketing strategy.

  • Event Promotion: Use social media to promote your participation in events, and consider creating event-specific content.
  • Hashtag Strategy: Research and use relevant industry-specific hashtags to increase the discoverability of your content.

Example: Create a series of tweets leading up to an industry conference using the event’s official hashtag. Share information about your booth, speaking sessions, or any exclusive content you’ll be providing during the event.

We understand that you might still have some burning questions, consider checking the answers to some frequently asked questions listed below!

FAQ: 8 Brilliant B2B Social Media Marketing Strategies

Are social media marketing strategies better for B2B?

Yes, effective promotion techniques can build brand authority, foster relationships, and generate leads, making them valuable for business-to-business companies.

How many B2B companies use social media marketing?

A significant majority of such companies leverage social media to promote their content. With over 80% of brands actively using platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and others, it is a viable option.

Which social, media is the most popular among B2B?

LinkedIn is the most popular for marketers in B2B. It offers a professional network for networking, content sharing, and lead generation.


Mastering Social Media Marketing for B2B is crucial for navigating the nuanced landscape of niche markets. This guide illuminates the significance of promotion strategies, from lead generation to industry networking.

Implementing the outlined strategies will undoubtedly elevate your brand’s online presence. As the majority of B2B companies recognize the power of social media, harnessing these platforms, especially LinkedIn, is essential. 
For comprehensive assistance tailored to your B2B social media journey, consider the Midas Touch – a partner in optimizing your strategies for unparalleled success in Social Media Marketing for B2B.

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