The Immense Value of CEO’s Personal Branding on Social Media

Personal Branding

In a previous article, we had talked about how the CEOs of B2B companies can leverage the power of social media to widen their reach by effectively using channels like LinkedIn and Twitter. 

The company CEOs’ active presence and engagement on the social platforms help amplify the marketing message and enhance branding because the people are more interested in buying from ‘people’ and not just some ‘brand’.  

Did you know? Over 90% of customers trust recommendations from someone they know (Nielson). 82% of people are more likely to trust a company whose leadership team engages with social media.

Why should you consider being a ‘social’ CEO?

Many CEOs argue that they have a lot to take care of than spending time on social media. But something that they don’t realize is, being active on social media platforms is a part of their work, as personal branding will help them build trust in the minds of their target audience. You can take a look at a report by CNBC about the 10 most ‘active’ CEOs on social media to understand why you need to be there too. 

Being a ‘social’ CEO doesn’t really mean that you have to engage in personal interactions with your customer/clients on social media. It just makes you a real ‘face’ of your company, which, till now, was just represented by a graphic logo. As a CEO with a strong personal brand, you can help amplify the company’s message and augment the marketing campaigns. It can also help you express your unique ideas and insights on social media handles. Chances are, if your followers like you, your ideals, values, and gain sufficient information from your insights, they are going to opt for your products/services too. 

Let’s give you a detailed idea about the immense value of personal branding for the CEOs on social media. Scroll on!

It builds trust

Personal branding helps you create a reliable presence on social media. It gives your business the human touch that it desperately needs to attract more people towards it. As the CEO is one of the most influential ambassadors of the brand, their presence has a strong impact on the target audience. Creating a personal profile on social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter can improve your branding efforts as much as the business profiles of your products/services. The importance of the CEO’s reputation can propel the business by helping the customers/clients connect with the brand on a human level. 

It helps you attract talent

The millennials are more attracted to companies with an impressive and authentic personal brand than those with nothing apart from logos. If you can establish yourself as a leader and motivator on social media, you’ll attract numerous young minds, who align with your mission, vision, and values. However, it’s important that you actually live those values that you claim on, as authenticity sparks reliability, failing which, it may even put your integrity in question. For example, if you claim to provide an open ground for sharing ideas for business growth, you should provide a platform for the same, so that the youth can come and discuss their unique ideas with you without any hesitance. That way, you can not only find the right people to take your business to the next level but also make them promote your brand through word-of-mouth. Who doesn’t like to share an idea that they have been an active part of? We guess you got the cue!

It helps you get in front of the investors

When you share your beliefs and ideas on a social media platform, potential investors may also take an interest in your business. As the investors seek confidence in the core team before they invest their money in a business, personal branding can help you achieve that. With your presence on social media, you’re in the public eye, which enhances reliability on your company’s behalf. When you share your story, mission, vision, expertise, and ideas on a public platform, you easily get on the radar of potential investors and create a seamless communication channel for them to approach you. 

Being at the forefront of your business gives you certain responsibilities to fulfill, and you can do that through personal branding on social media. Promote your ideas and brand, publicize your opinions and expertise, and be the most important advocate of your business by staying active on the social media channels. In today’s digitized world, such small efforts can go a long way to enhance your brand visibility. 

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