10 Post Ideas to Build Your Personal Branding – Twitter

Personal branding Twitter

You have finally decided to step into the fascinating world of Twitter. While the cliched phrases like “first impression matters” and “put your best foot forward” sound boring. However, the truth is you need a distinct social identity to kickstart your brand growth. If you are searching for personal branding Twitter, you have hit the jackpot because we are delving into the exact strategies that will propel your growth on X in 2024.

Let’s begin by understanding the importance of Twitter as a platform for personal branding.

The Reality of X

In a previous article, we had already covered the importance of building a personal brand as a CEO on social media platforms. X stands at the forefront because millions of tweets are sent by powerful C-suite executives and top-level bureaucrats every single day. Yet, people are not leveraging the full potential of the platform to reach their target audience.

While LinkedIn is the place to connect with like-minded professionals, Twitter is what’s happening in the world right now. The communities on X shape and drive conversations changing the perceptions of multiple industries. A leader on Twitter is more likely to convert loyal customers and build credibility in the market.

That said, let’s move to the 10 best personal branding Twitter content ideas. 

10 Twitter Post Ideas – Begin Your Journey

1. Weave Stories

Many entrepreneurs like Gary Vaynerchuk have built a solid presence on Twitter to create better professional opportunities. We often come across accounts with zero activities gathering dust on the horizon. The importance of personal branding Twitter cannot be emphasized enough in the scheme of brand storytelling. Here are a few post ideas to get started on X.

  • Write a tweet about a relatable story or the lessons you have learned while building your business. 
  • Connect on Twitter threads and engage with your audience from a first-person perspective. Share why you are currently engaged in a particular niche.
  • Create a post describing your hobbies and life outside work. Remember to create a balance and connect with people willing to gain a sneak peek behind the fancy title of a business owner.

2. Industry News – Never Goes Out of Trend

A relatively safe and easy way to begin the game of personal branding Twitter is by sharing industry news. People on X are hungry for the latest updates and recent technological advancements in their field. If you provide meaningful information, there is no one stopping you from conquering the platform. 

For example, a recent industry shift or a major trend like the launch of a new app can confuse people. They scramble to look for a solution and you can provide that tidbit of expertise by sharing your thoughts on the same topic. Keep your ear on the ground and stay updated with the latest industrial trends. 

3. Books

People are always searching for the next best book to learn something new and change their lives. Whether it’s the latest self-help book or an inspiring fictional tale, books are hot favourites. Suggest a list of recommended books or create a post describing your latest reading collection. 

A book recommendation coming from a thought leader will grab instant views driving meaningful conversations. This can be one of the first Twitter post ideas or even multiple posts to boost engagement in your profile.

4. BTS – Behind-The-Scenes Content

Many of us think that ‘personal’ and ‘professional’ sides can’t exist together. But the best personal branding on Twitter happens when businesses share an inside look into their day-to-day operations and add a personal touch to communicate tangible value. Post videos or written content and schedule Twitter posts on daily routines or common challenges faced by startup founders like you.

  1. Post daily challenges you are overcoming and add your personal perspective.
  2. Create Behind-The-Scene action and capture the groundwork done by the staff.
  3. Showcase that one mistake business owners are making and what is your take to avoid those blunders. 

5. Company Events or Milestones

Spread the news and be the first brand ambassador of your company on Twitter. Whether you have achieved a milestone or have a big event lined up in the future, share it with your audience. Most B2B customers are excited to learn about the latest developments in the companies they follow online.

6. Product Launch

Share an exciting product reveal and let the viewers guess the features and functionality. Tease an upcoming video or do a mega post reveal to fuel conversations on X. Let the audience know about your product highlights and conduct Q&A sessions to solve the queries of customers in real-time. 

7. Ask Questions

The end goal of every personal branding Twitter strategy is to provide value to the user. Regardless of your business growth or personal development goal, ask meaningful questions related to your industry. This can help you to go beyond the typical seller-buyer relationship and build a strong connection with the user. 

You can execute by answering a question you have read somewhere or solve queries of other people’s tweets by responding in the post comment.

8. Sharing Insightful Articles

Twitter’s content style works well for big corporates and small and medium-scale startup founders looking to establish a personal connection with their audience. Whether you have your own blog or write for your company’s blog, posting detailed articles will amplify your personal branding Twitter game.  

9. Colleague/Employee Posts

The tried and tested technique of personal branding Twitter strategy is highlighting your employees/colleagues/customers. From a customer’s viewpoint, you are sharing stories of their appreciation for your product and giving a shoutout to their comments, thus making them feel valued.

On the other hand, appreciating employees and putting them in the spotlight for good work not only increases their morale but also reflects positively on your company’s brand value. The importance of personal branding lies in these smaller but intimate details.

10. Polls

If you are still wondering how to build a personal brand on Twitter, start by creating polls to engage your audience. The best thing about polls is that you can recap the previous results and create a separate post outlining your thoughts based on the audience’s response. This allows you to gauge their interest and understand their mindset at a closer level. 

Next, let’s address the commonly asked queries to gain a better understanding of Twitter.

FAQs – 10 Post Ideas to Build Your Personal Branding Twitter

What is the best time to post on Twitter?

The best time to post for better engagement is early in the morning( 7-9 am) or late in the night(8-11 pm). However, there is no particular time to post specifically on Twitter as it depends on your audience. 

How to schedule Twitter posts?

Open Twitter and click the “Post” Button, type your tweet copy, set the necessary settings like images and click the schedule icon at the bottom of the composer. 

How do I increase my engagement on Twitter?

There are various methods to improve engagement like posting when your audience is active, using visuals to attract attention, creating tweets with polls and being responsive with real-time support to your client’s comments. 

Is Twitter the Next Big Thing

The transformation of Twitter to X has set a new precedent in the social media industry and business professionals have to find new ways to stay relevant in the eyes of their audience. A strong personal branding Twitter strategy will uplift your brand perception, building a loyal base of customers. However, if you are feeling lost in the wide ocean of B2B social media strategy, get in touch with Midas Touch to fuel your branding game.

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