4 Incredible B2B Email Marketing Examples (Including Templates for 2024)

Do you feel your emails are not hitting the right spot in terms of client acquisition and click-through rates? Most busy founders and decision-makers of B2B companies are flooded with thousands of emails every single day. You don’t want your messages to get lost in the already full inboxes of clients. How do you stand out in the ever-growing world of email marketing? Fret not, the wait is finally over. We have selected the best B2B email marketing examples you can follow blindly to derive maximum value from potential customers.

First, let’s understand the best practices to power your email game.

B2B Email Marketing – 6 Great Tips

1. Subject is the Main Element

You probably create the most impressive email campaigns but everything will fall flat if the subject does not grab attention quickly. People don’t have time, and to stop busy founders from scrolling down, your subject lines need to be short, catchy, and crisp. 

Remember, shorter subject lines get the highest response rates so summarize your intent persuasively, and once you find the sweet spot, stick to it for the long term. Most B2B email marketing examples include subject lines between 36 to 50 characters which are read by customers. 

2. Brief Emails Sound Good

Say more in fewer words – this is the motto to stick to in B2B email marketing. Nobody likes wading through a sea of emails. Most marketers are tempted to use complex jargon to ensure factual accuracy. However, this strategy reduces the effectiveness of the message. Put your emails in a way that strategically delivers your product’s main USP. A little bit of design and formatting will also help your clients click through to the content. 

3. Personalization Always Works

The recipient will quickly discard a generic email that shows poor research. It’s crucial to identify and personalise your email according to the intent of the client. Define your objective and communicate your solution that accurately solves the customer’s pain points. Talk and emphasize how your service will solve their problem – nothing more and nothing less. 

4. Create Visuals

Plain text emails are a thing of the past because no one likes paying attention to online text. In a world of reduced attention spans, you must include one to two images in your emails and B2B social media marketing strategies to get the highest click-through rates from email subscribers/followers. 

5. Keep it Real

Professional emails should be clear, concise, and informative but not sound robotic or boring. It’s best to keep the tone conversational making it engaging for the readers to stop and read the entire email. Creating a dialogue helps to connect with your audience on a deep level helping to build genuine relationships. 

6. The Real Deal is Asking 

The perfect B2B email marketing examples include emails where the user is asking plenty of questions to the audience. For crafting an effective B2B email, ask the following questions.

  • What am I offering?
  • What should be the next course of action?
  • What should the reader do to reach the next step in the buying journey?

By asking relevant questions, you are establishing two-way communication with your audience and offering many opportunities to engage directly with the user. 

Now, let’s look at the best B2B email marketing examples alongside templates to get started in 2024.

4 B2B Email Marketing Examples ( + Templates)

1. Pain Point Email Campaign

A cold outreach email that specifically addresses your ideal client’s pain points is an incredible way to capture their interest. It shows that you empathize with your customer’s situation and genuinely want to solve their problem, increasing the chances of getting a response to your email.

Template – Start with a solid subject line to grab the attention of your audience quickly. 

Subject Line – This is how to solve your [ pain point ]

Hi [ Your Prospect’s Name],

As a [ client’s job title] in [ industry or niche], it is difficult to overcome the challenging [pain point] scenarios. But it doesn’t have to be the case.

With [ your product or service] [ client B] in [ another industry or niche] has achieved the following results.

  • [ Result No. 1] by solving [pain point 1]
  • [ Result No. 2] by solving [pain point 2]
  • [ Result No. 3] by solving [pain point 3]

Are you interested? If you like what you see, check out our detailed case study on the same[ URL link]. 

Let’s hop on a quick 15-minute call to discuss how [ your product/service] can help you solve your [ pain point].

Please book your free slot here.[Meeting Link]

Thanking you,

Your Name,

Job title,

Company Name,

Links to social media handles

2. Competitor Analysis Email

What makes you stand out from the crowd? One of the best B2B email marketing examples is highlighting potential competitors’ drawbacks in your lead generation email campaigns. It captures the recipient’s interest and also helps you present what’s unique in your value offerings.

Template – Do not beat around the bush and get to the point directly.

Subject Line: Do you feel your[ competitor’s product name or service] is causing a problem?

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

While browsing through [client’s company name]’s website, I noticed that you use [your competitor’s product name or service]. 

Many of your competitors have switched from [your competitor’s product name or service] to [your product or service] because [drawback no. 1] and [drawback no.2] was stopping them to achieve [their desired objective]. 

Our clients love our [USP of your product].

Check out what others have to say about our product [reviews on other platforms].

Wondering how to achieve[your client’s primary goal].

I would be happy to discuss it in detail over a call. You can pick a convenient time for the call here: [Calendly link]

Have a good day, 

Your name, company name, and social media handles

3. Website Visit/ Downloads Follow-Up

A prospect has downloaded an e-book or a resource from your website and you want to engage and delight the client. Your sales rep can offer extra help to initiate a natural conversation with the customer. One of the most natural B2B email marketing examples includes following up with a prospect through an email template to gauge their interest. 

Template – Focus on understanding the viewpoint of the customer.

Hello[ Prospect’s First Name],

It seems you have downloaded [the resource] from our website. 

Were the insights helpful to you? If you like to know more about [their topic of interest], here are additional resources to help you out.

  • [Resource No. 1]
  • [Resource No. 2]
  • [Resource No. 3]

If you have any specific queries, We would love to get on a phone call to address those issues. Please book your free slot here.[Your calendly link]


Your name, job title, company name, and social media profiles

4. Product Launch Campaigns

Let’s say you have launched a new product or service in the market. You want to learn whether your target audience is liking the product or not. Cold emailing a lead can be the best B2B email marketing example to ask for feedback about your product or service. The cold email lets you present your product’s USP and demonstrates that you value your lead’s opinion. Plus, you get to underline the product’s offerings to the client directly in their inbox. 

Template – Provide high value to the client.

Subject line – I would love to hear your thoughts about [your product or service].

Hi[ Prospect’s Name],

We just launched [your product or service].

[Your product/service] helps you

  • Unique Selling Point No. 1
  • Unique Selling Point No. 2
  • Unique Selling Point No. 3

We are constantly looking for ways to improve [your product/service]. Since you are [client’s job title] with X years of experience in [client’s industry/niche], your opinions are invaluable to us. 

Can I send you more details about [your product name]?


Your job title, company name, social media icons

Finally, let’s address the commonly asked queries about B2B email marketing examples to gain a holistic understanding of the subject.

FAQs – B2B Email Marketing Examples

1. What is B2B email marketing?

These are tactics to promote your product and services to B2B clients. The end goal of the email campaigns is to nurture relationships, generate sales, and build long-term trust for the brand. 

2. How do I start email marketing?

Define your audience and set the tone by personalizing the messages as per the needs of the target user. Use the format explained above to get started with your email marketing. 

3. Why use B2B emails?

It is a powerful tool to generate high-quality leads providing you the opportunity to connect with your audience personally. Emails give you the flexibility to nurture leads and build credibility with potential customers moving them closer to a purchase. 

Final Takeaway

The perfect B2B email marketing examples are crisp and create a precise impact in the customers’ minds. That said, email marketing is a small part of content marketing strategy. If you are curious to learn the ropes of B2B content marketing strategy, get in touch with Midas Touch to fuel your marketing decisions in the right direction.

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